Forms Education Certificate Program
As a forms professional, you already know how difficult it is to find training programs in your field.
Well, your search is finally over!
The Forms Education Certificate Program is for people, like you, who work in forms management. It consists of five designated programs and nine courses, covering ten areas of competency.
Each certificate program aligns with a major function and common roles within a Forms Management Program, and each comes with its own, unique designation:
Forms analysis (FMfa)
Forms development (FMfd)
Forms control (FMfc)
Forms program management and administration (FMpma)
There's one more thing: complete all nine courses comprising the four program areas and you will earn the top designation available from the Forms Education Certificate Program:
Forms Management Specialist (FMS)
Earning the FMS designation means that you have mastered all ten competency areas and over 200 elements.
The Certificate Program is an online offering via a learning management system. This Certificate Program was developed as a way for you to gain more knowledge in this field and to demonstrate that knowledge through a rigorous set of tests. There is no final exam!
Organizations will also find it useful as a training tool for employees who are new to the field. For example, if you are a manager newly assigned to the field of forms management, the plan of study for the Certificate in Program Management and Administration is a great education on the strategies, issues, and requirements for a well-run professional Forms Management Program.
If you are interested in furthering your education in your current area—or any other area of this discipline—these certificate courses are for you.
• Forms analysis (FMfa)
• Forms development (FMfd)
• Forms control (FMfc)
• Program management and administration (FMpma)
• Forms Management Specialist (FMS)
• Forms Management Fundamentals*
• Forms Technology*
• Business Process Analysis
• Forms Analysis
• Forms Design/Development
• Effective Data Collection and Presentation
• Forms Print Production
• Forms Control
• Program Management and Administration
* Prerequisite for all certificate programs
• Governance
• Communications
• Project management
• Business analysis, process improvement, work simplification
• Information management
• Forms/template design and development
• Print production
• Procurement and contracting
• Inventory management and warehousing
• Administration of a Forms Management Program
You may take one or more of these certificate programs. Upon completion, you are awarded a designation which you can then use on business cards, letterheads, online profiles, etc. If you successfully complete all the certificate courses, you will receive the designation of FMS for Forms Management Specialist.
The Forms Management Fundamentals and Forms Technology courses are prerequisites for any of the certificate programs. Pass these two courses one time, and they apply to all of the certificates. For example, if you pass the tests for the Forms Development certificate and later you want to earn the certificate in Forms Control, you won’t have to take the two prerequisite courses again. The content in Forms Management Fundamentals and Forms Technology is important and applies to all courses and all certificates.
Once you have completed the Forms Management Fundamentals and Forms Technology courses, you may take other courses as standalone courses. Why is this option available?
• You want to earn another certificate and only need to take a few additional courses.
• You did not pass a course on three tries and need to retake the material to earn the certificate.
• You want to take a slower approach than the time limit describes.
• Your area of interest is limited to this topic.
These broad areas are fundamental to the establishment, operations, and management of an efficient Forms Management Program.
Elements and sub-elements are the details within the areas of competency. For example, in the competency area of Communications, elements include negotiation, facilitation, and writing skills.
Depending on the course, it may or may not include a particular area of competency or element. For example, there is content about governance for the Program Management and Administration course but none for the Data Collection and Presentation course. However, there is content about translation and deployment in all the courses.
Please see this Forms Management Competency Elements Chart created by BFMA for a list of all elements and where they appear in each course.
Why a Certificate?
The Forms Education Certificate Program:
provides rigorous training through the learning management system,
facilitates training for individuals and organizations,
identifies individuals with skills and knowledge that are essential.
Training in forms management is very hard to find, so whether you are new to the field or are moving into a new role, the training aspect of the Certificate Program is for you. Earning your certificate through this educational process demonstrates competency to yourself and your current or future employer.
Why Should This Interest Me?
Developing a body of knowledge speaks to our professionalism. It is similar to having a national standard on forms management, as Canada has done. It is similar to establishing official occupation codes for the primary forms occupations such as Forms Manager, Forms Analyst, Forms Developer, Forms Technician, and others. These codes are already established in Canada.
Through the body of knowledge, we can develop a certificate program and in this way, employees can demonstrate their knowledge to management in a standard and recognized way.
The body of knowledge as used for the certificate program demonstrates that there is something special to know about forms. It is not putting lines on paper. It is not making the forms look pretty. It is so much more. It brings to light what an asset and added value a Forms Management Program is to an organization. It shows how efficient forms management contributes to better business, satisfied clients, a trusted brand and reputation, and even an increase in profits.
Along with the professional certification, a national standard and standard occupation codes, the body of knowledge, and the certificate program are all pillars of recognition for our profession.
What is a "Certificate" Program?
Certificate programs are the result of an educational process. Certificate programs are for people new to the field and those with many years’ of experience. The highly focused program materials define a very specific body of knowledge to learn. Test questions are from that specific body of knowledge. Can you remember or recall the information? Do you understand the information? If you can correctly answer the test questions based specifically on the body of knowledge, you can earn a certificate. Demonstrate mastery of the material by passing the tests. There is no recertification.
A certification results from an assessment process. The target audience is an experienced professional in that field. There may or may not be a set of standard references. However, test questions can be experience-based and are not necessarily in any of the reference material. Test questions address remembering facts but also focus on the analysis of information and concluding the facts.
For example, if there is a situation, how can you apply your general knowledge to resolve that situation? That type of learning is application, analysis, and evaluation, and it goes beyond recall. Recertification after a period of time is typically required through educational credits or another examination.
If you are familiar with Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning you will recognize some of the terms mentioned above. The taxonomy describes a continuum of learning that moves from concrete to abstract or simple to complex. For certificate programs, testing focuses on remembering and understanding, which are concrete and at the lower end of the taxonomy. Certification programs, such as the Certified Form Systems Professional ( CFSP), focus on applying, analyzing, and evaluating, which are abstract and at the higher end of the taxonomy.
About the Tests
Each area of competency within a course varies in length and amount of content. Tests can cover one or several areas of competency. There are many tests to take throughout the course, but there is no final exam. No test questions are based on linked websites or appendix material. The tests are always tied to the material just completed.
In all cases, the passing score is 80%. This score is a recommendation from Professional Testing Corporation, a psychometric consultancy in New York City. Because learners can take the test three times and the test is open-book, we feel that 80% is appropriate.
Seven Principles
The test questions were written by the FMEDB with these seven principles in mind:
Questions display three possible answers, only one of which is correct.
There are no true or false questions.
There are no questions styled “all of the above” or “none of the above” as an option.
There are no questions styled “A and B only” as an option.
Questions are stated in the positive, asking “Which of the following is?” rather than, “Which of the following is not?”
All answer possibilities must exist. For example, there is an E13B MICR font. The possible wrong choices cannot be E31B or 13BE because they do not exist.
The best wrong answers are distracting; that is, there is something about them that nags and could seem reasonable if you don’t really know or are not fully informed. See #6 above with the E13B example; clearly E31B or 13BE are distracting but they do not exist and cannot be used on the exam. Instead, a question with a distracting answer could be: “Which of these are used in four-color process printing?” Answers: (1) Cobalt (2) Cerulean (3) Cyan (4) Cygnet.” Cobalt, Cerulean and Cyan are all blue and all begin with C. Cyan and Cygnet share the “Cy” beginning. There is only one correct answer but the others may be distracting.
Question Development Methods
Most test questions were written by assignment in order to thoroughly cover the content, as per the Forms Management Competency Elements Chart. There are nearly 1,500 questions in the question bank for the various tests.
After writing a question and sourcing it to a particular element and page, the question was reviewed to ensure that (a) it is relevant, (b) there is only one correct answer, and (c) incorrect answers are real but distracting. Each question was reviewed for clarity, grammar, capitalization, and sentence structure. Very few questions were accepted without editing, and there was substantial conversation on each question and each answer.
Questions with too many problems were returned for a re-write or for a new question on the assigned topic.
At times, the question review discussion indicated a change to the Forms Management Book of Knowledge to ensure clarity. There were never fewer than five reviewers at any question review session.
Test Formats
There are multiple formats of each test, so you may not get the same questions if you need to retake the test. In addition, the software that contains the tests shuffles the correct answers. As an example, for one person the correct answer of “apple” may be answer 1 but for someone else “apple” may be answer 2.
In addition to test questions, there are activity quizzes scattered through the learning material to verify that you understand the concepts of the material just presented. Activity quizzes are not scored and they exist in various formats, not adhering to the strict standards described above. If you don’t do well on these activity quizzes, you know it immediately and can return to the material to read again.
Ongoing Review
Once the certificate program is launched, test results and individual question results will be examined with an eye to ensuring that the questions are performing correctly. For example, if test takers who generally do very well on the test consistently miss a particular question, that question is examined to ensure that it is clear, has only one correct answer, and is addressed in the source material. For example, each question is examined to see which of the wrong answers are consistently chosen over the correct answer and how those results relate to the overall test score. With this information, the tests can be refined by removing, improving, and adding questions as needed.
Standards and External Sources
While the book mentions standards unique to certain countries (e.g., postal codes in the U.S. or telephone numbers in Canada), the Certificate Program does not focus on these, nor does it test on them. Instead, the book compiles, formalizes, and adapts relevant knowledge and training specific to the forms industry. Specifically, it targets best practices.
Similarly, the book references many English-language websites for additional information for the learner. There are also external links to numerous samples that illustrate forms policies, job descriptions, record retention schedules, etc.; yet, however useful this information may be, no test questions are based on these websites or materials.
Strategies for Success
The following study guidelines can help you succeed.
It is important for you to understand the concepts in each section. The activity quizzes give you an opportunity to test your understanding before you take the scored test.
Each scored test requires a pass of 80%. Even though you can take each scored test 3 times, you must pass each test to earn a certificate in your certificate program.
What is the best way to proceed?
Go through the material carefully.
Take the activity quizzes at the end of each section.
If you get something wrong, make note of it. The activity quizzes let you know what you answered incorrectly.
Return to the content and re-read that material to make sure you understand it.
Take the activity quiz again. Did you pass this time?
Be certain that you understand the concepts before you take the scored test the first time.
The scored test does not tell you what questions you have passed or not passed. If you do not pass the scored test the first time, return to the content. Read it, think about it, digest it; consider how it applies to your work.
Be sure you are better prepared the next time you take the scored test; you only get three tries.
If you have purchased the Forms Management Book of Knowledge, remember that you can use it while taking the test; the content in the learning management system is duplicated there.
How much time do I have to complete the course plan for my certificate?
The time is specified below. How is this calculated? There are two months each for Fundamentals, Form Design/Development, and Program Management courses; one month for every other course plus one month bonus.
Forms Analysis (FMfa) — 4 months
Forms Development (FMfd)— 4 months
Forms Control (FMfc) — 2 months
Forms Program Management and Administration (FMpma) — 4 months
Forms Management Specialist (FMS) — 6 months
If you purchase individual courses, you are allowed three months for the Fundamentals + Forms Technology bundle, two months each for Form Design/Development and Program Management courses; one month for every other individual course.
We hope you have found these tips helpful as you make your way through the Certificate Program.
History of the Program
The Business Forms Management Association (BFMA) certificate program was launched by a vote of the BFMA board of directors with the goal of creating a course, Fundamentals of Forms Management, leading to a certificate. Beginning in January 2014, a committee was formed to begin this process. Committee members were selected and the first meeting was held in February 2014 with a committee chair plus six members. Eventually this group chose the name Forms Management Education Development Board (FMEDB), thus not limiting its scope to this certificate program.
The FMEDB is composed of long-time forms management professionals with experience in both private- and public-sector organizations across the U.S. and Canada. Areas such as forms manufacturing, regulated businesses (e.g., banking, insurance, and healthcare), and government are well represented on the Board. Members have occupied a variety of roles within the Forms Management Programs at their respective organizations, with a few having served as program heads. Some members hold certificates and certifications in other disciplinary areas, as well.
One thing that's common to all Board Members, however, is the hundreds of hours each has dedicated to this endeavor. In total, ten individuals have served on FMEDB at one point or another, although no more than seven at a time.
The FMEDB decided early on that before it could create a fundamentals certificate program, it had to first identify the full universe of forms management, and then pare it down to its fundamentals. Eventually, this lead to a realization that one fundamentals course wasn't enough to target all the various roles and responsibilities within the forms management field. And so, instead of one certificate, FMEDB identified four, consisting of four roles. And instead of one course on fundamentals, it identified nine courses, resulting in the Certificate Program you see today.
After BFMA’s closing, the certificate program was continued through the efforts of the authors of the Forms Management Book of Knowledge and Essociates Group, Inc.
Am I eligible for the certificate program course of study?
There are no prerequisites to beginning this course of study. There are no job requirements and no requirements for length of time in the industry.
Will I be able put initials after my name?
Yes, when you successfully complete one or more of these certificate programs, you can use the appropriate initials:
Forms Analysis (FMfa)
Forms Development (FMfd)
Forms Control (FMfc)
Forms Program Management and Administration (FMpma)
Forms Management Specialist (FMS)
What type of questions are on the tests?
Each question is a multiple choice that displays three possible answers. See more about the tests in the About the Test section.
I have started in the learning management system, but work or personal reasons have interfered with my ability to complete the course of study with in the timeframe. What can I do?
Things happen. We understand. Notify FormsBOK@gmail.com that you need to suspend your access to the learning management system. Notify us once you are ready to begin again, and we will reset your end date.
I have signed up for a certificate and notice that I need only one or two extra courses to obtain another certificate. Do I have to pay the entire fee for that extra certificate?
No, you only need to pay for the individual courses you need to complete that extra certificate.
How many times can I take each scored test?
Three times.
I am taking a course but could not pass one of the tests in three tries. What do I do?
In that case, you can continue to finish the certificate course but your certificate is not awarded. You must register for a standalone course and pay the standalone course fee. This gives you another opportunity to go through the learning process and take the tests again. You don’t lose credit for the courses you have completed. Upon successful completion of the standalone course, you will receive your certificate.
If you are taking a standalone course to complete a certificate as described above, be aware that the standalone courses must be completed and passed before the first anniversary of your initial registration date. The only exception is the Forms Management Specialist course which must be completed within 18 months.
Is group pricing available? My organization has multiple people who want to enroll.
Yes. Please complete the form below and you will be contacted within 48 hours with discounted team pricing.
Can I take a class and not a course of study?
Yes, you can. However, the two prerequisite courses (Forms Management Fundamentals and Forms Technology), must be taken before you can enroll in any individual course.
Do I need to recertify?
Can I register for the exam only and not take the course?
I do not live in the U.S. or Canada. Can I register?
Yes. There are no restrictions regarding where you live or your citizenship. All course material is in English. Fees must be paid in U.S. dollars.
Do I get a certificate?
Once you have passed all the courses and tests within your Certificate Program, you will receive an official certificate as proof of your accomplishment. It is hand signed by the original chair of the Certificate Program, has a gold seal, and is suitable for framing.
Also, you will receive a congratulatory letter specifically stating the certificate(s) you have earned. This is an important document and should be treated as such.
Once I pass my certificate course, what can I do with my new designation?
Be sure to add this information to your email signature and your business cards. Update your résumé to include this information. Notify your professional association to update your online profile. If you have an in-house newsletter, be certain to notify the staff of this achievement in order to be recognized. Give a copy of the congratulatory letter to your boss and to your Human Resources representative to include in your personnel file. Include your designation on social media sites. Get a great frame and proudly hang the certificate in your workstation.