It’s Here!
The Forms Management Book of Knowledge is now available for purchase!
Conveniently offered in electronic format, the Forms Management Book of Knowledge (FMBOK) is readily accessible on your desktop or mobile device.
The FMBOK is the core of the new Forms Education Certificate Program. It is comprehensive, detailed, and thorough—there is content here that simply is not addressed in any other book! It is loaded with decades' worth of knowledge from leading experts in the field.
The Forms Management Book of Knowledge is the first of its kind to define best practices and guidelines in delivering forms management services according to the roles and responsibilities within a Forms Management Program. Authors Louise Laperrière, FMS, and Margaret Tassin, CDC, CFSP, FMS, developed the content based on the Forms Management Body of Knowledge Outline that was created by subject matter experts from the U.S. and Canada.
In addition to being a primary reference for Forms Management professionals, it will also prove useful to other disciplines, such as Information Technology, Records Management, and Document Management, in their interaction with a Forms Management Program.
This book is destined to become "THE" primary reference for the forms management field. Get your copy today!
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